When you get to know someone and build some type of a relationship/friendship in high school, it is probably because you had a good time emotionally and connect with that person in most cases. Also, you might share some kind of common views of the world or philosophies and interests. For those reasons, you are not really going to think about how that person will behave or what they will do in the future in many different scenarios and situations in the real world, especially when it comes to livelihood, money, reputation and etc.
Out of all types of individuals you meet throughout your life, it is important to keep your eyes and distances on men who try to cheat and sleep around with as many women as possible. These guys will more than likely to backstab you or cause issues for you to deal with over women if you are around them long enough. In worst cases, they are going to turn out and end up like P Diddy and R Kelly or you are going to be in the middle of some bullshit drama by association just like Junior Hockey Canada dummies.
There were many subtle signs and funny behaviors of some people Poppa G used to know throughout his years in high school and after. Not knowing better, G ignored these signs or behaviors in the name of “friendship” and good times. Eventually, years later, these same characters were the ones who created many issues for Poppa G, and they have caused more than enough unnecessary stress and issues.
When G finally escaped from AS’s drug fueled la la land during the housing market collapse and recession, he was in a bad situation because it was really tough to find a job anywhere. G could’ve moved back and lived with his parents for free, but he didn’t look at it as an option mainly due to his mother’s deteriorating health and frequent arguments about G’s future, career and how he f**ked up in high school. So G ended up moving into a basement apartment with a guy named Tyrion who G spent lots of time at high school parties.
Tyrion was a Vietnamese kid who was popular among countless high school girls and also happened to be RJ’s right hand man and a diaper buddy. He was a guy who would talk so much shit and never back it up. One time, Tyrion challenged Poppa G a game of 1 on 1 Basketball and he talked so much shit about how his game would crush G in 1 on 1. Tyrion thought he was Iverson The Answer, but G had many questions about his fraudulent claim.
Poppa G laughed at his comment and accepted the challenge but forgot to put a friendly wager on it. Unfortunately for Tyrion, that didn’t really turn out the way he expected because he lost 11 – 0 to Poppa G. He should’ve checked his head for making a such statement. Tyrion couldn’t make a bucket or a lay up even if his life was depend on it that day. G believed that his Jordan Melo M5 kicks might have played a role in this landslide victory. Winning a game of 1 on 1 was one thing, but 11 – 0? When Poppa G made the winning jumper and the sweat was dripping down the face, he felt that sweet emotion that only the champions know. After this loss, Tyrion started to talk more shit and act funny towards Poppa G in front of others.
Around the time G moved in, Tyrion was having some personal issues with not being able to do what he used to do in high school and house parties when it came to relationships with women. He was also suspecting his girlfriend was cheating on him at that time and told G that his girl wasn’t loyal.
Tyrion used to wear black stocking cap on his head and cheat on girls left and right with no guidance in his high school glorious days. Girls showed him love and wanted that lovey-dovey that kiss, kiss. Girls would call him on his cellphone at late night when they needed his love in high school, but nothing was the same for Tyrion years later. When most of these girls left high school and got older, their mindsets probably changed as they entered and experienced the real world with responsibilities. They were probably thinking and searching for someone who can provide the life with love and stability they wanted.
So Tyrion often talked about these issues to Poppa G, and truthfully, G didn’t really care and didn’t pay too much attention because he was in his grind mode. G had his own serious life problems and pressing matters at hand he had to immediately deal with, and he just couldn’t really relate to Tyrion’s problems and talk about it with positive encouragement. Poppa G was in a financial hole without rent money and more bills were piling up. Tyrion had a job and a girlfriend at that time, so G just didn’t take Tyrion seriously. And because of that, Tyrion started to feel some type of a way and told others that G fell off behind his back. Moreover, he was jeopardizing G’s livelihood by telling others about his business and situations.
And because Tyrion had a job and renting out a spare room in his apartment to G during this time of hardship, Tyrion thought he was the man and started commanding and it was getting annoying for G. Tyrion used to make fun of Poppa G and laughed at G for struggling and driving a compact car instead of a luxury car and not being able to roll a perfect spliff. He was the type of guy who would tell you that he got 5 on it in high school. Tyrion was a perfectionist when it came to rolling joints with marijuana and smoking them. He could’ve gone pound for pound with the best. Poppa G personally didn’t really care about it because G wasn’t planning to compete in the Ultimate Joint Rolling Championship. If Tyrion had used and put that same amount of effort, energy and attention of rolling perfect joints to his work, career and life goals instead of staying up late drinking, smoking, and spending his time on plenty of fishes, he would’ve had intimate relationships with all kinds of women in different area codes and not have to control his hormones and keep his drawers on.
When Poppa G and Tyrion were in Film classes during their high school years, many students including Tyrion probably thought G was just bullshitting and wasting his time. It was true that G was not 100% there both mentally and physically, but he was actually paying attention to his best ability. While Tyrion was talking to girls and disrupting classes and pissing off the teacher the whole year, especially when we were watching Apocalypse Now, Poppa G was actually learning in his own way and visualizing his life and future on camera lenses frame by frame. From angles to what kind of car would be driven in California scene? Would it be a convertible Jaguar or a Kia shitbox? What kind of music will be playing in the background? Would it be Nas – It Ain’t Hard to Tell from Illmatic? Or would it be Nas featuring P Diddy – Hate Me Now from I Am? Maybe R Kelly featuring Nas – Did You Ever Think? What about the clothing and accessories? What about them kicks? These small details were being noted in Poppa G’s mind while Tyrion was too busy verbally disrepecting and making fun of the teacher. When you waste too much of your valuable time with people with no vision or those who don’t reciprocate the same love and energy, you could easily live your whole life wandering unhappy and confused with too many regrets of what ifs and etc.
One night during a month of stay at Tyrion’s apartment, Tyrion brought his associate who had a penis and testicles drawing tattooed on forehead. Penis Tattoo Man was a good friend of Tyrion at that time and he was well known within the circle of friends for being hosed down at few house parties for being overly intoxicated. Tyrion started to complain about how Poppa G hasn’t been helpful and supportive of Tyrion. He also said that Poppa G was not friend enough to be hanging out with an honorable person like himself. Then Penis Tattoo Man, who was never around to know anything about the matter, participated in the conversation by saying that Tyrion was totally right and G was out of line. Poppa G finally realized that Tyrion formed an alliance with Penis Tattoo Man as the Ambiguously Sausage Duo and ready to drop a new exclusive chi chi mon remix collabo track like P Diddy featuring R Kelly. Then Penis Tattoo Man said Tyrion should also tattoo a penis and testicles drawing on Poppa G’s forehead as a sign or proof of sworn oath to serve Tyrion as the defacto leader of Battirass family.
“No thanks. You are not going to tattoo a penis and testicles drawing on my forehead as a sign of sworn oath to join Battirass family. You guys can paint penises and testicles to each other all you guys want, but I’m out. Deuces!” Poppa G shouted.
Then G started to think about all the times when he had to walk Tyrion’s dog and watch the dog poo-poo and pee pee in cold arctic weather. He also thought about more than dozen occasions where G had to drive Tyrion to work because he was late for work for whatever reasons. Plus, G had to drive Tyrion for late night bootie calls from plenty of fish. Tyrion would also complain to G about how he was losing his hair, and asked G for a solution because it was not a good look for the potential female prospects on plenty of fish.
Poppa G finally realized that Tyrion was not just a hater, but also one of many deep fried frenz clowns. G was busy trying to survive and had no time to play with this deep fried clown’s irrelevant concerns and complaints about nothing. Since Poppa G was not Tyrion’s personal chauffeur, dog walker/sitter, dermatologist, priest, and Dr. Phil who worked for free, G had no choice but to serve Tyrion a backhand with backspin and move on with his life because G already knew at that point that Battirass family led by Tyrion was going to lose by 11 – 0, and Tyrion had a long way to go no matter how many times Tyrion thought he told others that he won’t stop drawing penises and testicles. One thing was for sure though, Poppa G had better things to do than drawing penises and testicles with each others.
Then there was a situation when G had to be involved for no reason in a hostile confrontation between 2 men over a woman. Poppa G used to spend some time with a guy named Prime who also happened to fight with Tyrion over a girl in high school. Prime was someone who G knew since high school by hanging out with P and his crew and he was dating a girl who was a friend of Tyrion’s girlfriend at that time. Tyrion was the best cockblocker out of everyone in the social circle or maybe even the entire school. Though his build was small, he should’ve tried out for a professional football team because he could’ve probably block all the cocks and draw penis and testicles on other players after the game. He could’ve had a Hall of Fame career. What was the main reason for Tyrion to become the best cockblocker? Because he wanted every girl in the school and maybe the world.
When G was living with Prime and another roommate in an apartment right before the housing market collapse, Prime somehow hooked up with a prostitute on a street when he was out to buy something from a store. Then he fell in love with her after having unforgettable sex night after night. It was so great that he wanted to marry her.
A month or two in these love birds’ world, a man appeared out of nowhere in between this couple. This man turned out to be the prostitute’s ex pimp or boyfriend. One night, G returned to his sanctuary after long hours of driving around visiting small businesses. G was getting ready to cook and relax. Suddenly, Prime entered the apartment and told G’s other roommate and G that he needed some help with fighting someone outside.
As G stepped out of his apartment building, he saw a tall Marc Gasol type looking man. G immediately thought of objects in his place that G could use to hit the man.
Then Prime yelled out loud, “Yeah, what’s up? I told you. We’re going to kick your ass!”
That’s when G said, “Hold the f**k on and shut the f**k up. What is going on here? I don’t know who you are, but I need to know what happened here.”
It was 3 on 1, and G knew they were going to handle him no problem except one of them might get f**ked up in the process. While G had no issue with backing somebody up in a fight for the right reason, but he wanted to know the reason why he was going to fight with this man and potentially end up in a hospital. Instead of just rushing and fighting right away, G wanted to listen to his side of the story.
Then he explained who he was and why he was there to fight Prime. That was exactly when G found out what was going on between them. Basically, Prime didn’t want to let his newly found love go because he wanted to marry her. The prostitute was not his wife with kids, so G didn’t really see any reason for himself to get involve whatsoever. After listening to this man’s side of the story, G had to break up the tension and change the mood of this hostile situation.
G told Prime to go back inside the apartment. Because G knew how Prime’s brain worked in similar situations of the past, G had to get Prime out of this man’s face before something bad really happened.
Then G asked this tall big man who was ready to fight, “I will treat you for a cup of coffee. I would like to have a conversation with you privately. Would you like to join me?”
Instead of fighting, he agreed and they drove to a coffee shop. Prime was surprised because he probably didn’t know G was going to pull that move on the fly to break up a fight that was about to go down.
G didn’t know what to talk about with this pimp of the prostitute. G asked him to have a private conversation, but he didn’t know what to tell him at all. G had to come up with something real fast on the spot and have a conversation to squash this beef that G had nothing to do with. Thanks to G’s drama class in high school, he came up with his improv dialogue,
“I understand where everyone is coming from regarding this situation. I know that we don’t personally know each other, but I don’t care. I know who I am and that is the only thing that matters to me. You see, Prime is an idiot. I don’t understand why you are wasting your time like this for no real reason. Do I have to explain what kind of idiot he is? I don’t even understand why I am wasting my time like this. What is the point of this? I have better things to do.”
After 5 or 10 minutes of conversation, they both agreed that they weren’t going to fight over Prime’s matter and there wouldn’t be any violence involved.
There are many other examples from G’s life he can provide later on, but it is extremely important who you surround yourself closely to grow and prosper together. If you constantly surround yourself with the wrong crowd, it will bring you nothing but dramas and bullshit you have to deal with. It could also hinder you from personally growing and realizing your full potential.